Achieve Your Dreams of Business Ownership
Leverage our access to over 600 franchises across 38 different categories
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Benefits of Franchising
It's a Business in a Box - Just Follow the Process
- Proven Business Model - that reduces your risk
- Brand Identity - gives you a head start with loyal customers
- Franchise Management Systems - guide you through your day
- Start Up Assistance - to launch on time and under budget
- Marketing Assistance - they know what works to drive business
- Training & Support - your success is their number one goal
- Funding Sources - that understand the franchise industry
- Go Into Business For Yourself - not by yourself

We are Proud Members of IFPG
Ranked the #1 Franchise Referral Network by Entrepreneur from 2019 through 2024.
We provide you with complimentary services and a proven process to streamline your franchise search

Our Initial 4 Step Process
To search for the perfect franchise for you

Step 1
Initial Discovery Call With You
- What do you want your life to look like?
- What types of franchise categories are of interest to you?
- Would you like to work from home, a shop or an office?
- Would you like to be a hands on owner - or a semi absent owner?

Step 2
Entry of Your Preferences Into Our Franchise Portal
- We enter your specific requirements into our franchise portal
- We receive a list of franchises that match well with your work/life preferences and franchise category interest
- We conduct a territory check to make sure these franchises are available in your area
- We prepare a presentation - specifically for you

Step 3
We Present Multiple Franchise Options to You
- This is a fun meeting for you!
- We will present you 3-6 options that match your stated requirements
- All of these options will have confirmed availability in your area
- We decide which of these options warrant a phone call to learn more

Step 4
Initial Conversations With Franchisors
- We will provide you with a list of questions for the franchisor
- You will learn a lot on this call
- If it goes well - you will receive additional information from the franchisor
- They will most likely send an invite to a webinar that goes deeper into the opportunity

The Final 4 Steps to Franchise Ownership
At this point... you are clearly excited about a specific opportunity

Step 5
FDD Review
This will give you clarity on the franchise opportunity
- The FDD sets expectations on the relationship between you and the franchisor
- It usually provides an Item 19 - which presents financial reporting on other franchisees
- This is an important part of your due diligence - and is required by the Federal Trade Commission
- This is not an agreement, but a document for clarification

Step 6
You Will Speak to Existing Franchisees
- We will provide you with a list of questions to ask the current franchisees
- If they had to do it over again... would they?
- Are they receiving adequate support from the franchisor?
- Have they bought more than one unit?
- These conversations will give you a good feel for the franchise culture and satisfaction of the franchisees

Step 7
Franchise Discovery Day
An Onsite or Virtual Visit With the Franchisor
- Also known as "decision day" - this is an important meeting
- It allows you to meet with the entire team - and is usually a lot of fun!
- It provides you one more layer of clarity on your important decision
- Some are structured with 10 candidates - others are one on one meetings
- Both you and the franchisor will leave this meeting knowing the final decision

Step 8
Final Agreement & Celebration!
You clearly understand what Mark Twain meant when he said... "Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than the ones you did." Congratulations!
Ready to Take the First Step?
You've Got This.